Mon 06 Jan
Dont wasted your time with fake pic♡Look for a REAL 200% FUNTIONAL TS GIRL?? ALL YOU NEED IS HERE - 23
(San Diego, North PARK...SAN DIEGO)
FuLl FuNtIoNaL AvALiAbLe. FoR HoT FaNtAsYs CoMe TrUe ////////// Will BE WoRtH It. ////// /// - 23
(San Diego, Nortpark Area by the 805 exit freway)
hello I'm in tow now im a mix tranny bick and tick colombian & mexican - 26
(San Diego, mission balley murpy canyon road.)
•*"*• EVeRYTHING •*"*• U♥NeeD •*"*• IN 1 PaCKaGE •*"*•:•CLICK HERE!!!!!! - 27
(San Diego, Hotel Cir)
visiting san diego sexy ts ivy hot body n real 9 in hung ROLL PLAY =TOP - 26
(San Diego, hotel circle)
💅•••✅TS Olivia Gemini AsiAn FaNtAsY✅•••💅EROS Authenticated✅ - 22
(San Diego, Mission Valley/San Diego/Available Now)
The quality Counts and the Experience is More Than worth it ( Not Attitude and No Rushed) - 38
(San Diego, North Park Area ( Fwy 805/ Cajon Blvd)
FuLl FuNtIoNaL AvALiAbLe. FoR HoT FaNtAsYs CoMe TrUe ////// ♥♥♥♥////// Be WoRtH It. ♥♥♥♥////// - 23
(San Diego, Nortpark Area by the 805 exit freway)
FIRST TIME EVER !!!! must see hot an sexy fully loaded !!!!! must see FIRST TIME EVER !! - 22
☆ Y O U R __ F R E A K Y __ O B S E S S I O N ☆ - 34
(San Diego, Gaslamp / Downtown / Convention Center)
Sweet and Passionate 🍭💙 Never Rushed 💄👠 A+ Reviews 💛 💋 Tall Sexy TS 💋 💛👠💄💙🍭 - 28
(Little Italy / Airport area, San Diego)
Kinky, versatile,all u need, I promise u the best time of ur life garantted come and see call me - 27
(San Diego, north park)
★•°o°•★ B€ÅUTiFUL ★•°o°•★ EXOTIC★•°o°•★ STUNNiNG ★•°o°•★ PLAYMAT€S★•°oTs partygirl - 21
(San Diego, san diego area/mission valley west)
Sun 05 Jan
💋❤💋HOT ❤ YOUNG❤ & WILD💋❤💋 EXOTIC Brazilian Mix BEAUTY!! ♥_♥ Ts Alekzandra ♥_♥ - 23
(San Diego, Hillcrest)
▁ ▃ ▅💋 *Tiffany Morgan- VIP exclusive Thai mix bombshell, hottest playmate in town ! ▅ ▃ ▁ - 20
(San Diego, North Park / San Diego)
█ * B :: A :: D _ ✖ _ G :: I :: R :: L * █ ;;✿HOT and FREAKY ;✿ ( 9"Tool ready any time ) :¦: - 23
*24/7 * InCaLLs * TS *BuStY * BlOnD *KiSsEs HuGs N mOrE * Late Night * EaRlY MoRnINgS * WeLcOmEd * - 23
(San Diego, (SD CITY HEIGHTS AND FWY 15 ))
24/7 AvAILABLE NoW ReAdy To Make U FaNtaSy CoMe TrUe. Be ReAdy TO LiVe A HOT ExPeRiEnCE. - 23
**** GoRgEoS And HoT **** "TOP" (TrAnXeSuAl HeRe In SaN DiEgO) AvAliAbLe '''''''' NOW""" - 21
(San Diego, by the freeway 15)
//////// ThE MoSt WaNtEd //// TS //// In SaN DiEgO ////// ErOtIC MASSAGE ////////// - 21
(San Diego, by the freway 15)
💕✨visiting OCEANSIDE✨don't miss out ‼️ all natural beauty 💕 TS Anna Lynn 📞 📞 📞 📞 ✨ - 20
(Oceanside/-Incalls, San Diego)
Gorgeous Talented Blonde All American Fun Very Well Endowed Girl Here For You. *NEW NEW SEXY PICS* - 21
(San Diego, Mission valley)
College Femenine Ts Latina very available now in North Park Area - 21
(North Park area off the 805/fwy)
Sweet relief from your cares! Sexy T-Doll DELILAH will DELIGHT you! - 37
(San Diego, San Diego, Downtown SD)
BLAZIN BLK&ASIAN; SHEMALE. F •°• R °•° E •°• A °•° K . AVAILABLE all day & night incall only100 spcl - 26
(San Diego, MISSION VALLEY /hotel circle)
(36 DD)The Most Sexy Exotic Passable & Fully Functional TS that u will ever meet,Real Recent Pics! - 22
(San Diego, north county, vista,carlsbad,oceanside)
LETS MAKE //////// /////// U HoT FaNtAsY CoMe TrUe ////////// [[[[ NaTtAsShA ]]]] BiG BIG - 21
(San Diego, by the freway 15)
Sat 04 Jan
I'M all YOU need GUARANTEED 200% functional TOP and BOTTON kisses and much more i promise you call - 25
(San Diego, 805 freeway and university)
san diego @ hot and erotic girl for shy boys 951 2327097 affordable - 25
(normal heights 33rd st, San Diego)
24/7 GORGEOUS FULL FUNTIONEL READY NOW ___ _ __ ___ {{{ IN AND OUT} }} - 23
uummmm** SuPeR **HoT Ts LaTiNa AvAliAbLe NoW WiLiN To Make u HoT FaNtasys - 21
(San Diego, by the freway 15)
_________ ___________ __________ __________ TS Monica _______ __________ ________ _________ ________
(North San Diego - Encinitas/Oceanside)
@@@ high class companion girl visiting sandiego now@@@)) - 23
(San Diego, Mission valley ( hotel circle area)))
-------- DIAMOND PRINCESS! The BEST or NOTHING!!! ---------- Visiting 1day - 21
(San Diego, mission valley,hotel circle)
Thai relax hot massage. Beautiful ts call me 24hrs alexa trasexual i do couples - 24
(Carlsbad, San Diego)
100%ME____NOW HOSTIG____ Off the hwy-78 !!!!! (( Vista ,Oceanside, Carlsbad AREA NEAR THE BACK GATE) - 22
(San Diego, Vista ,Oceanside, Carlsbad AREA NEAR U!)
100% ReAl SuPeR GoRgEuS HoT Ts LaTiNa AvAliAbLE NoW U Will NOT Be DiSsapoiNt - 21
(San Diego, by the freway 15)
North county _ T4M— °*•HOT•*° TRANSSEXUAL—— °*• HOT•*° —S— E—X—Y°* - 22
la mesa el cajon availabe for massage by angel hands good time and more versatile 100% funtic - 25
(San Diego, la mesa el cajon ca.)
NEW TS Super Model,in town Beautiful and REAL! VISITING for SHORT TIME - 20
(San Diego, hillcrest/ MISSION VALLEY)
Fri 03 Jan
***TWO ASIAN** _______ INTRIGUING TS HOTTIES⎝ ⏝ ⎠ ASIAN____ ______HOTTIES - 23
(Los Angeles, West HollyWood)
North county _ T4M— °*•HOT•*° TRANSSEXUAL—— °*• HOT•*° —S— E—X—Y°* - 22
TOdAY's YouR LuCKy DAY } ~* YouR ExOtIC BlONdE BoMBSHeLL ~~ iS HeRe ~~ CoMe OvEr and PLaY Now - 23
(San Diego, (SD CITY HEIGHTS AND FWY 15 ))
SHSHSH I'm back on popular demand ( 08/09/10 ) the Real VIP * NIKY TAYLOR * always clean&ready; 4u !
(Fashion valley ( next of the 805 fwy ))
I am professional in everything I do and im ready to teach U New Experiences Call - 27
(San Diego, North Park area Off 805 Fwy)
Hola Papi Una MEXICANA Versatile !! Visitando SAN DIEGO Por Tiempo Limitado.. - 26
(Hotel Circle / Mission Valley, San Diego)
💖💖💖 "Hot💋 Sexy💋 Upscale💋 VIP 💋 Playmate 💋TS VIVIAN💋"!!!!💖💖💖 - 27
(Mission Valley, San Diego, La Jolla, San Diego)
🔥💯%✔️ⓥⓔⓡⓘⓕⓘⓔⓓ💋👠🔥 🏆ᑭᑌEᖇTO ᖇIᑕᗩᑎ ᑭᖇIᑎᑕEᔕᔕ👑 💥💥💥TS Bella💥💥💥 [★★★★★]👑 5-STAR 💕PυRε ρℓ℮αδυRε💕 - 20
(nimitz and Rosecrans (host, San Diego)
Visting Ts Posh S € D U C † i V €💛💙💜💚❤💘 TÕ€ CUrL¡NG💛💙💜💚❤💘 Playmate ❤10Hung ❤ - - 24
(San Diego, Downtown)
❤️💘 La Plus Belle Et l'élite ♡☆☆ Limited Time Only ♥★ Available NOW ♥★♥♥ French Mixx ♡♢☆ - 22
(Mission Valley/Qualcomm.. incall/outcall, San Diego)
______________ ___________ M O N I C A ___________ C A L I E N T E _____________ _____________ _____ - 33
(Ocean Beach)
Party & FETISHES ! ARE WELCOMED Very Passionate [✓] Fully Functional [✓]Heavy shooter 🍆🍌💦 - 24
(San Diego, Hotel circle south)
Thu 02 Jan